i often think about the future that my children-to-be will grow up in and how it will compare to the times that we have grown up in. i don't want my children to be raised in a world that is consumed by technology, starving from famine and eaten alive by global warming - i want them to be raised in the circumstances that i was raised in. it's the only thing i DON'T like about the future - it's exactly that. the future. we can't foresee what is going to happen (and no, i don't believe in psychics) and a single individual can't stop what is going to happen. in order for anything to be done effectively, the whole world needs to come together as one and agree to put a stop to it. which is impossible because of the nature of humans. if we were all willing to work together and cooperate, then our year 12 modern history class wouldn't be studying what they are now, and a child wouldn't be dying every second from a lack of drinking water.
this is what i see right now when i think about the future of the world:

now that i've got that off my chest, today was a good day.
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