I felt it absolutely necessary this morning when I woke up that I should have a day off today - just for myself. Last night I found myself becoming seriously addicted to the drug called Gossipgirlamphetamine and decided that all my hard work that I had done for the past two weeks of "holidays", I deserved a bit of a break. So, today, I have managed to watch about eight episodes of Gossip Girl (and counting), but as per usual, the guilt of doing no homework is still hanging on my shoulders, but I don't want to do any of it, even though I know I should. I decided long ago that this was going to be a day for me (well, I decided about ten hours ago) so that is the way it will remain. My plan for tonight is going to be choosing tomorrow night's outfit (007 theme - I am way open for suggestions) and starting to lay out clothes to take to Canberra. I'm seriously so excited to freeze in Canberra with my English Studies class - it's going to be so much fun!
I made a tumblr today as well, for no particular reason: http://claire-smiles.tumblr.com - I don't know if I will be able to continue updating on a regular basis, but I made the tumblr especially for those days where I have simply too much homework to write a long line of mumbo jumbo, and I can simply find a picture or a quote to describe my day in a nutshell. So, I encourage you to begin following both (if anyone actually reads this to begin with), if you are seriously that interested in my life.

X O X O, Gossip Girl (yep, I am the Gossip Girl - just kidding).
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