Don't worry about what makes other people happy, or what you think makes other people happy. What makes YOU happy? I've just been watching reruns of Dharma & Greg (also known as procrastination for my art exam tomorrow morning, which I take pride in starting revision for today) and I'm watching episode 13 of the first season, which is all about what makes Greg Montgomery happy. It's not his high-paying job as a US attorney that makes him happy, much to Kitty and Edward Montgomery's dismay, but it's cooking, which his wife didn't even know he liked doing because he was so caught up in his job as a lawyer (but mind you, since they married on their first date and have only been together for about three months now, there's probably a lot of things Dharma and Greg don't know about each other, but that's beside the point). It made me think... am I really doing what makes me happy? And the answer is, yes. Many of you would know how focused I am on my goals and my dreams, but I wouldn't have these goals and dreams if they weren't what made me happy, because I wouldn't want to spend my life any other way - life is way too short to get caught up doing things that make you unhappy, because once a day is gone, you're never going to get it back. So, if you are doing things that make you unhappy, I encourage you to find something that does make you happy and do it. Dylan Thomas put it nicely into his poem "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night", which I spent a few decent minutes revising and writing about in my English Studies exam on Monday morning - "Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light." He puts it nicely I think - don't die softly, because life is too valuable to give up just like that.

If it means spending your Saturday mornings making multi-coloured paper boats, then do it. There is so much happening out there that can make you happy, so take a minute and think about what you could be doing that would put a smile on your face every minute of every day. I think life would be just that little bit sweeter :)
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